2400 Annunciation St., New Orleans, LA
This is one of the few remaining, iconic corner store/residences in New Orleans. Built in the late 1800’s, the building has gone through many changes, including the store appearing, disappearing and reappearing over the decades. The current store section at the front of the building is from the early-to-mid 1900’s and was in reasonably good condition when the project began. Some parts of the residence behind the store were in a state of near or complete collapse with others suffering from neglect, termites and trees and vines growing through the structure. The new design preserves the corner store and completely transforms the residence, widening it, adding a second floor, galleries and courtyard. The intention was to honor the historic Irish Channel neighborhood architecture from the exterior and provide contemporary design and function inside. This project involved close work with the New Orleans Historic District Landmarks Commission. The project was completed in April, 2021.